martes, 14 de enero de 2014


 S.Ben Qayin
(Nephilim Press)

The Necronomicon…A dream, a book, a nightmare. It is a tome which embraces absolute forbidden power that claims its ancient origins amongst the raging sands of the Arabian Desert. There, demons scream and lash about with great fury and terror. It is a book that tells of ways to conjure that which should not be, and gives means to command forces that exist outside of known universal laws. It bestows the ability upon the Magician to control fierce and destructive beings that are older than time, that are not of our Dimension, or Unified Field, but ‘Outside’ of it…

Many have sought this lost tome, for H.P. Lovecraft did not instill this idea in man, but awoke it from thedark recesses of his ‘fragile eggshell mind’. For in humanities veins lies the memory of its ancestors and archaic times, of fears and terrors that have been with the race since long before the dawn of the annals of its history. Lovecraft tapped his veins…and captured the lurid images that spilt out upon the literary floor as ink within the pages of his transcendent works. He wrote from inherit memory of strange times that have been shadowed upon our history, of twilight truths that the more common man rejects and turns away from in fear, replaced by a lighter more pleasant false reality that fits well within the confines of his limited existence of mediocracy and vision. Lovecraft felt the barriers of our universe, and that of others press uneasily against each other as bubbles being compressed. He knew of  how delicate the barriers that separate the realities were, of the madness it all still is, and the insignificance of our small and simple lives in stark comparison to that which is magnificently ~ ‘other’. 

Once this memory was brought forth to mankind from the depths of his dormant mind, it was never forgotten again. When men remembered, they became obsessed and began to search once more for the forbidden tome that none could clearly recall, only feel strong impressions of. Since Lovecraft wrote of the forbidden book, people began inquiring on where they may purchase it, as if it would be on a shelf for any passerby to put into their basket at the local bookstore. Of course Lovecraft proclaimed the truth, that the book did not exist, that it had come from a dream, though only because he had not found the tome, but the stark terror of its memory that resides in all of us as an echo of that which ought be forgotten, though is longed for. For who amongst man does not wish to embrace the forbidden ? To wield that which other men could not ? For the book promises wild power, and few have the want, or will, to resist it.

The work that is being presented in “The Book of Smokeless Fire” is based on a very little known and overlooked Solomonic text simply known as “Miscelaneo de Salomon”, which amazingly mirrors that of Lovecraft’s, “Necronomicon” both in content and history. It is an ancient and forbidden Arabian manuscript, that seems was later evolved into the Greek “Goetia” and gives the earliest known account of King Solomon and his binding of the seventy-two sinister Djinn he sealed away in the infamous brass container. 
In “The Book of Smokeless Fire”, the ancient manuscript has now been reworked into a completely new system, utilizing revolutionary evocation technology, to again call upon the ancient and destructive Djinn, whose names have been concealed for centuries. 

The author thought long on this book, whether or not to bring it forth unto the world of men, for in it resides great pain and destruction waiting to be set free, much like Pandora’s Box waiting to be opened. Though through much contemplation, he came to the obvious decision to release this terror from its obscure and hidden origins for the sole purpose of spiritual balance. The world is in strife, though it is not Chaos that is the cause, but the ever oppressing forces of Order. Order is trying to control everything; right now we see this in our political and religious systems now that their dealings are becoming more and more transparent. Order has the upper hand, and though Chaos is growing in strength as members of the LHP grow in number and presence, the author believes Chaos needs an influx of raw brutal strength and pure destruction to help overcome Order and establish a new spiritual understanding upon the Earth ~ The Gates Of Hell Must Be Opened…

The Djinn listed within the grimoire are purely destructive by nature, and the Magician must use utmost caution when working with them. They are to be deployed when nothing less devastating will do. They are hate, pain and disease waiting to be released upon the world with a rage that is unmatched. If the ‘Goetic’ Spirits have a dark side, these Djinn are the embodiment of it. As stated this grimoire is a weapon, and does not make apologies for its existence. In fact, it is an ‘ultimate weapon’, to be unveiled and used when times are at their darkest. Those times are no longer on the horizon, they are here and are creeping in more little by little, day by day. The Black Magician who is in touch with his surroundings will know when to unleash this forbidden power; they will feel it deep within them…and recognize the feeling as rage. Each Warrior Magician will utilize this strength at different times, when the battle is at their door. There are no specific times to use this Magic, no Sabbats to attend, no nights to honor…it is to be used, when it is needed…at the time of war. 

Though at the same time, this text introduces the Magician to a wider view of Magic, and how it is directed into reality. This work implements a new scientific foundation to replace the Judeo/Christian influence, and focuses on combining the spiritual (energy work) with the scientific (Lovecraftian quantum physics) to open gateways, so that interaction with non-human entities may be achieved. The practice of Magic dealing with the evocation of spirits, both benevolent and baneful, has generally been centered around the Magic Circle and its counterpart; the Triangle of Arte. By using these key components, portals to other realms have been opened and contact with the spiritual entities has been achieved. Whether the magician were calling forth Demons, Angels, or else, these tools have been implemented since time immemorial to commune with that which was ‘beyond’. The author believes the key to opening these gateways between dimensions lies in angles, vibrations and the direction of the Magician’s personal energy and/or Intent. 

The work is accompanied by a very thoughtful preface by author Robert Podgurski, which offers deep insight on the tome, and directs the attention of the reader to areas of the manuscript that may be otherwise overlooked in anticipation of the greater whole. Robert has undertaken a lifelong scholarly pursuit investigating the history and genesis of Hermeticism, Magick, Alchemy, the Cabala, and Western Esoteric Studies. During this time he has researched as well as practiced the Enochian system of Angelic Magic as developed by John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley. In 1981 he discovered an innovative magical tool, the Grid Sigil that has shed light upon and acted as a unifying nexus between his various magical fields of inquiry. This finding has formed the basis for his recently released book: “The Sacred Alignments and Dark Side of Sigils”, published by Mandrake Press Ltd, 2012. Bob has published articles, lectured, and conducted workshops on John Dee, sigil magick, and the Grid Sigil throughout the US. He has also worked extensively with Cththonic Magick exploring various facets of the Qliphoth. His first grimoire of Lovecraftian based Magick will be published later this summer by Aeon Sophia Press. His first collection of poems: “Wandering On Course” has just been released by Spuyten Duyvil Press. 

For more information go to 


Also, woven in-between the pages the reader will find over one hundred original illustrations, including a full alphabet of Lunate Script (to be used in conjunction with the system as the Magician sees fit), Seventy-two sinister Djinn sigils, Three Circles of Arte, Three Triangles Of Arte, and five full page original art pieces created by esteemed artist Robert W. Cook. Robert is an American born artist and architectural draughtsman who is currently residing in Ireland. An artistic and visual approach to occult exploration has become some of the defining elements within his work, entwining numerous mythic themes and undercurrents that often invoke the archetypes present within magical thought and initiation. The seat of Inspiration for Norot's art lies shrouded within the veils of intuitive gnosis and Luciferian symbolism which draws influence from such art and writings of William Blake, Gustave Doré, Albrecht Dürer, H.R. Giger, Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare. His most recent work to date has been cover art for Wolfpack 44's forthcoming album "The Scourge" which will be released through Deadlight Entertainment. As well, he has done the cover art for the latest release of the legendary occult rock band ‘Coven’. Currently Robert is within mid production on several in-depth projects for Nephilim Press, and is always continuing to create personal and commissioned pieces that instill inspiration and awe. His latest works and full portfolio are available for viewing on his website:

He can also be followed on 

“The Book of Smokelss Fire” is a rare text, in that it brings the forbidden and ‘ancient’, together with the ‘new’ cutting edge concepts of Fringe Magic and science to create a system that can be fully accessed by those willing to expand their understanding of ‘Magic’. As well, it is a tome that brings forth the truly sinister aspects of this reality into a viable form to work with in a personal magical setting. 

~ S. Ben Qayin ~

 Has researched and practiced various traditional forms of Magic throughout his lengthy course of esoteric study, though found early on that Magic was a thread that was woven though all things, and so was drawn to more personalized Chaos Magic from a young age. Chaos Magic or ‘Fringe Magic’ as he refers to it is not new; it is simply a category or term created to encompass Scientific Magic or Magic that deals with dimensions, non-human intelligences and work that questions the basis of ‘reality’, and how to manipulate it. This can be classified as experimental magic if you will, teetering on the edge of the Abyss of Creation. Of course Fringe Magic does encompass such literary works from authors and Magicians who have ventured forth into the ‘empty spaces’, such as H.P. Lovecraft, Carlos Castaneda, Pete Carroll, Frank G. Ripel, Michael Bertiaux, Kenneth Grant and others who have been to the edge of creation and reality, and come back to write of it. They have masterfully transformed into words, experiences and concepts that are seemingly indescribable to those who have not walked the ‘Spaces In-Between’ themselves, who have not known the ‘Twilight of Being and Reality’.

He holds the belief that Magic is not ‘Magical’, that it does not ‘just happen’, nor is it ‘miraculous’, he sees it as a scientific system based on a process that we have yet to fully understand scientifically. This is based on his concept that people do not fully realize the base structure of their reality in which they are currently residing, and that they have yet to understand all the rules of the ‘Consensual Reality Matrix’, and therefore do not entirely understand or utilize their personal energy and influence within it. He views Magic as the manipulation of personal energy to restructure or influence the ‘Consensual Reality Matrix’ to conform with the Will and Intent of the Magician. As with all energy, he believes Magic can be harnessed and directed, Spirits and entities can be contacted, and change can be made manifest within the personal ‘grid’ of the Magician. He believes the program can awaken, and become the User.

S. Ben Qayin has released “Volubilis Ex Chaosium” through Dark Harvest Publications in 2012, which involves deep praxis with H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘Old Ones’, and has published several occult essays in Edgar Kerval’s ‘Qliphoth’ Journal Opus. 1, 2 and 4 by Aeon Sophia Press and Nephilim Press, as well as in “Sabbatica” by Nephilim Press and  in Gabriel McCaughry’s ‘Pillars Journal’ Vol. 1, Issue 1 by Anathema Publishing. He has recently released “The Book of Smokeless Fire” through Nephilim Press and is currently working on a talismanic, artistic project titled “Through Intervals of Whirlwind”, which focuses on Lovecraftian entity evocation, accompanied by fantastic visuals created by renown artists of the occult genre, to be released through Transmutation Publishing 2014. He can be found at :


sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

The Mysterious Art of...HAGEN VON TULIEN

Hagen von Tulien is a contemporary artist and occultist. With more than thirty years of intense magical theory and practice, he has specialized in creating art as an expression and manifestation of magical states of awareness and its use as an esoteric tool.
He is working in a variety of media including pen and ink, paper cut, collage and digital formats.

Throughout the 1990s Hagen was a key figure in the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (I.O.T.), serving as its section head for Germany.
He is currently a Master-Initiate of the Fraternitas Saturni (F.S.) and an empowered adept of the Société Voudon Gnostique (S.V.G.), focused on deeply researching the Saturnian and Voudon Gnosis. La Société Voudon Gnostique is a selective group of initiates and artists dedicated to manifesting the more powerful, inner revelations and transmissions of the Gods of Esoteric Voudon, as well as to push evolution and research of Voudon Gnosis and sorcery freely beyond all frontiers of orthodoxy.
As a Gnostic Priest of the Ecclesia Gnostica Aeterna, Hagen von Tulien is dedicated to manifesting the supreme and divine Gnosis Aeterna within himself while assisting others on their own path to kosmic freedom and liberation.


Illustrations for 'Voudon Gnosis' by David Beth (2nd revised and expanded edition by Fulgur Ltd. 2010, sold out).

An essay and some artwork for the anthology 'ATUA: Voices from La Société Voudon Gnostique' (Fulgur Ltd. 2011).

Contribution to the anthology 'At the Crossroads' (Scarlet Imprint 2012)

Artwork for QLIPHOTH Journal Issue 1 (Aeon Sophia Press 2012)

Cover-design and illustrations for 'The Black Ship' by Malphas (Sirius Ink 2012)

Contribution to PILLARS issue no.1: "Psychopompos" (Anathema Publishing 2012)

Contribution to CLAVIS Journal, Issue 1 (Ouroboros Press and Three Hands Press 2013)

Contribution to SABBATICA  vol I (Nephilim Press)

Diverse self-published works of art (limited editions of prints, art-sets, originals, …)


Hagen Von Tulien
Occult Psaligraphy

The Hidden Art of Papercutting

Ouroboros Press desires every discerning Bibliophile to know that a new book by contemporary artist and occultist Hagen Von Tulien is in preparation. With more than thirty years of intense magical theory and practice, he has specialized in creating art as an expression and manifestation of magical states of awareness and its use as an esoteric tool. In Occult Psaligraphy Von Tulien expresses these magical states in a series of over 160 papercuts. The book, produced in large format and printed in Red and Black will be presented in a Limited but distinct Edition. This bi-lingual text in English and German, includes introductions by the Artist and publisher William Kiesel, who speaks to the practice of papercutting in diverse esoteric traditions worldwide, including China, Japan, Mexico, Europe, Indonesia and America. Von Tulien’s papercuts show a superior quality, the line work, fluidity and design elements reflect experience with both graphics and occult symbolism.  The papercut images Von Tulien creates with his scissors are functioning sacred diagrams, Veves and potent effigies whereby congress with the spirit world may be actuated.

Amalgamations of eyes, serpents, horns, skulls and other sigillic devices, these scissor-cuts become embodied vessels of power. They assist the practitioner in concentration, may be used in meditation or evocation, or as objects of talismanic effect. Specific God-forms, Iwa, and Avatars of Revelation are exemplified, honored and called forth. Other diagrammatic examples of Von Tulien’s scissor-cuts show initiatory knowledge and act as veritable trestleboards of ritual arcanum. The intricate lines and visually striking forms of his cuts cause an immediate fascination in the viewer – a fixation of vision, a keyhole through which Keys are received. Like the emblem books of the Renaissance the Occult Psaligraphy is rich in iconic symbolism. The devices of esoteric tradition are recondite and explicit and the entities present are no less corporeal to the eye. If ever a talismanic book there was, certainly this Book of Spirits is among them.

Pre-Publication Offer

In gratitude to supporting readers who pre-order Occult Psaligraphy, we are currently offering it at the pre-publication price.  Your contribution to this project will assist in the production cost necessary to manifest this fine example of esoteric book art. Ouroboros Press reserves the right to increase the retail price of the volume after its release. Reserve your copy today.

Release Date: Feb 2014

Specifications: Large format Quarto, 8 x 11 inches printed two-color offset on 70 lb paper. Over 160 occult illustrations, many being full page papercuts. English and German text with introductions by the Artist and the Publisher. Photographic samples are forthcoming.

Special Edition
15 Special Editions in Full Red Goat with Sigillic Inlaid front board and gold spine-titling. Marbled endsheets and silk ribbon bookmark. Binding ornament designed by the Artist. $275.00
(Sold Out)

Deluxe Edition
65 Deluxe Editions in Full Black Goat with gold stamped device and spine-titling. Marbled endsheets and silk ribbon bookmark.


Trade Edition
800 Cloth Editions in illustrated dust jacket.


Also Hagen Von Tulien has been working on diverse other projects such as :

A privately published book (Cultus Ghuédhé - Liber C-G) which contains depictions of 45 Ghuédhé Gates, and additional material (116 pages). This can be found in Zom-Box # 3 including an impressive collecting of diverse works

ZOM-BOX 3, #3
A decorated black cardboard box containing the following items:
¶ Cultus Ghuédhé - Liber C-G (bottom centre)
¶ handmade booklet 'A Rite of the Were-Spider' (bottom left)
¶ 45 Art Prints of the Ghuédhé Gates
¶ an ORIGINAL Paper-Cut (bottom left)
¶ Ritual Photographs (bottom right)
¶ Rosary of Cultus Ghuédhé
¶ two bookmarks

Series of works depicting several Death-Deities from diverse Pantheons.
CUSTODIANS OF DEATH were exhibited for the first time ever at the CLAVIS book launch:

Most of his impressive and in deep gnosis reflected through his visual art can be found in the follow page
for information just contact him

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

SYZYGY - Reflections On The Monastery Of The Seven Rays- TAU PALAMAS

Tau Palamas (Coptic Gnostic Church) is the founding Bishop of the Chapel of the Gnosis.  He is active in the Confraternity of Oblates of the Monastery of the Seven Rays and an Adept and Chaplain in the OTOA-LCN. A Freemason and Martinist for over a decade, +Palamas enjoys integrating diverse channels of the Western Esoteric Tradition with his writing, art and home life in the North Georgia Mountains. He published his first book "Syzygy : Reflections On The Monastery Of The Seven Rays", through Hadean Press and is working on his second book.

"Syzygy" is the appropriate name for this text, yoking together as it does a wide variety of divergent streams. This is at one and the same time a deeply personal account of Tau Palamas' own spiritual journey and a rigorous examination of the Monastery of the Seven Rays' practice in relation to other currents and approaches. The journey is a sometimes dizzying one as Tau Palamas reels from one subject to the next, and from personal reflections to deeply theoretical speculations, the whole thing supplemented with a parade of stark and arresting images from his own paintbrush. This is a demanding text, perhaps at times too adventurous; one certainly not for the tyro. Its ultimate effect, however, is properly magical, and no one interested in contemporary magical praxis and Bertiaux's work will be left disappointed.”             ~Abathur V°, Grand Master of the Friary/OSF

The two worlds of Voudon and Gnosis merged together within the unique expression of a religious community called the Monastery of the Seven Rays. Having a history that is as colourful and mysterious as the variety of individuals involved in this esoteric movement of the spirit, the Monastery stands apart from traditional expressions of monasticism in the East and in the West by existing on a physical plane, but more especially—by also being a psycho-spiritual locale, accessible to all who knock upon her celestial doors. For each Postulant of this Monastery, there is a particular work to do, a particular gnostic space to dwell within and a particular sacred injunction to fulfill for the betterment of the globe. Syzygy by Tau Palamas is one such legacy. It is simply the reflections of one student of this delightful and challenging superstructure of mind-stuff — The Monastery of the Seven Rays.

As interest in the growing fields of Voudon and Gnosticism increases, it becomes important to have works that explore these subjects from distinct angles and from diverse perspectives. From childhood, Tau Palamas has been steeped in traditional Christianity, and so this piece is coloured by that experience, exploring the differences and the deep connections between the Classical Monasticism of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches and the Gnostic and Magickal work of the Monastery of the Seven Rays. More than being a product of research, Syzygy is a result of experience and work within the Monastery. Lavish, full-colour illustrations by the author are further demonstration of the unity of both tradition and creativity within this supernatural cloister.
The hardback edition includes full colour artwork by the author, Tau Palamas.
The paperback includes the same artwork in black and white.
Both editions are 200 pages.

“Syzygy is a fascinating exploration of the Voudon-Gnostic philosophy of Michael-Paul Bertiaux and the Monastery of the Seven Rays. The author, a Gnostic Bishop, takes us through his practice and experiences, telling us about meditation and prayer, Saints and spirits, magick and healing and even death and the dead. In the second half of the book, he offers practical ritual techniques to experience what he calls ‘the Otherworld’ for oneself. I suspect students of the Voudon-Gnostic coursework will find this text an invaluable companion for their studies.”
— Aaron Leitch, author of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires and The Essential Enochian Grimoire.

“A tour de force of creative synthesis, this extraordinary book sets out to fuse one of the most avant-garde branches of contemporary Western esotericism with the traditions of monastic prayer, contemplation and ritual, and carries out this more than usually demanding task with aplomb. Students of the mysteries weary of the rehashing of familiar teachings that dominates today's occult publishing scene will find it a welcome if dizzying breath of fresh air.” 
~John Michael Greer, Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America

"Your work in 'Syzygy' is terrific! It is a valid and very powerful emanation of the Monastery of the Seven Rays mysticism." 
~Michael-Paul Bertiaux, author of The Voudon Gnostic Workbook 



sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Daemon Barzai /BLACK TOWER Publishing

Daemon Barzai is a Draconian Magician. Devotee to the Great Old Ones. Esoteric Translator, Writer and Publisher. from many years ago he has been an explorer and devote of the draconian path and  sorcery. he has been focusing all  his knowledge in the participation of publications such as "Qliphoth journal","Visions Of The Nightside","Lilith:Godess of The Sitra Ahra". also working in the very interesting blog in spanish "Diario De Un Brujo" and his first book " The Nyarlathotep Book " released on december last year 2013. The same year he founded "Black Tower Publishing.

The Black Tower stands sentinel at the threshold of the Void, at the crossroads of Manifestation and Non-Being, where worlds and dimensions meet and intersect. Surrounded by Primordial Night, it exists alone outside the universe known to man, in raw Darkness that flows from the Womb of the Dragon, channeling primal currents and transforming consciousness through the promise of Transcendence. It is the Eye which sees through the Veil of Illusion and looks into the Void. It is the Eye of the Dreamer and the Portal to Knowledge and Power, existing on the borderland of dreaming and waking, between the Slumber of Ignorance and Awakened Consciousness. It transmits the Currents of the Void, the Primal Current of the Dragon, radiating the black light of forbidden gnosis, the true source of Illumination, into the present Age of Re-Awakening.

The purpose of Black Tower Publishing is to earth this Gnosis by working with inspired and talented writers, poets and artists who wish to share their Vision and Personal Experience with those who seek the true Wisdom. We dedicate our Work to those who embark on the antinomian quest for knowledge and power and reject ignorance and weak-willed conformity. The purpose of our books is to open the gates of the soul and awaken consciousness to the Gnosis of the Dragon, bringing forth Draconian Current into the world and assisting in personal Ascent on the Path of Flames.

Black Tower Publishing opened its doors with the official opening of Temple of Ascending Flame. Our purpose is to publish unique and exclusive material for those who are really interested in Draconian Path and Atlantean Current, and also in LHP, Black Magic, Dark Witchcraft, Demonology, Necromancy, Necronomicon Current and all forms of magic that could be considered as “Taboo”.

Our mission is to spread the LHP in a unique way. We offer something different than mainstream publishers. Our books are exclusive and our writers are people with years of experience on the dark path.

Visions of the Nightside

Visions of the Nightside is a collection of essays, rituals and various expressions of personal gnosis written by members and associates of the Temple of Ascending Flame. Unique and evocative in its content and form, the book comprises powerful manifestations of magical practice with the forces of the Nightside: dark Gods and Goddesses, primal energies of the Void, entities residing on the Qlipothic Tree, demons of infernal regions, and spirits from a whole range of traditions. It is a practical research and insight into the practice of the Left-Hand-Path magic within the modern context, with contributions from working magicians and initiates of Draconian and Atlantean traditions.

Articles included in this volume:

Gnosis of the Void by Asenath Mason
Setnacht by Frater Eremor
Hecate: Blessed Mother of Witches by Pairika-Eva Borowska
Mea Magna Mater Hecate.  My Immersion in Multicolored Blackness by Selene-Lilith
Night on Bald Mountain by Cyril Matytsin
Into the Void by Frater GS
Thantifaxath: Saturn and Lilith Unite in the Poison of the Serpent by Daemon Barzai
Ravens of Dispersion by Asenath Mason
Poseidon’s Trident by Rev Bill Duvendack
The Ascending Flame of Lucifer by Asenath Mason
Lucifer’s Trident Ritual by Rev Bill Duvendack
Whispers From The Void (Exploration of Baratchial through the 12th Tunnel) by Edgar Kerval
Demeter: Draconian Goddess by Fr. Nephilim
Lilith – Queen of Vampires by Daemon Barzai

Hand-bound book – 999 edition copies.


The Nyarlathotep Book

Several people know his name, although only a few understand how to work with him. Nyarlathotep: The Crawling Chaos is the messenger of the Great Old Ones, an emissary between humans and the Outer Gods. He is a deity with a thousand faces. This ritual book explains how to work with him in a theoretical and workable approach. This Grimoire has been inspired by Nyarlathotep himself. Here, you will discover things that have never been published before.

The book will cover such themes as: Who Nyarlathotep really is, Invocation and Evocation of Nyarlathotep, The Mirror of Queen Nitocris, The Labyrinths of Kish, The Black Tower of Koth, A Ritual of Possessions, A Pact with Nyarlathotep, The Masks of Nyarlathotep, Nyarlathotep as a Black Man of the Sabbat and much more…

The Nyarlathotep Book has very high quality, paper: 130gr. White cover with an amazing a very detailed printing in the book jacket and wonderful illustrations in B&W. Hand-bound and hand-numbered with Indian ink. 333 limited edition.

50 USD + Shipping 

KEYS OF OCAT (Stephanie Connolly)

 S. Connolly has been practicing and studying all things “oc¬cult” and metaphysical since 1984. Her interest started with divination, ge¬matria, and necromancy and quickly spiraled toward ceremonial magick, witchcraft, and Daemons. She has been a practicing Daemonolatress since 1988.she has writen diverse books regarding necromantic traditions,always adapting new elements which gave the readers an amalgame of rituals,praxis and personal gnosis.

I have the honor to explore her book "Keys Of Ocat" ,a powerul grimoire in which she opened a deep gate to connect and experience with spirits of the dead realms via goetic invocations,gnosis, evocations and diverse necrosophic practices which trascends the alchemy of death,and carry the reader into an intense work for inner preparation to work with spirits. Talismans,seals,orations,connecting each other in this impressive grimoire,focusing the death current as imporntant element to personal evolution ,understanding its mysteries and how to cross the diverse veils of necromantic works using demonolaetry and sacred rituals to explore the wisdom of the dead. how to use the works of necromantic,though bones used as oracular platforms of divination.

Also she revelas part of her gnosis through the connections with ancient gods of the death though the use of preparing powerful talismans,purifications of sacred places of work,how to prepare Graveyard dirt for upcoming works.definitely an intense book full of prayers and rituals which you must find interesting if one of your goals is to understand the mysteries of Ocat,coz youre the key to the entrance of the realm of the dead. an important point here,is a chapter dedicated to how to prepare tinctures with blood ,the use of diverse bones,necromancers herbs and funerary oils in the necromantic works. 

The death tablets included here are powerful tools you can use when working with the dead , its use and interesting elements are present in a chapter,where you shall find its correspondences and encoded in enochian script. A higly reccomended book if you are interesting to open the abysmal gate which connect us with the spirits of the dead.A practical book which sure ly you will find more than interesting. 

Both editions of The Keys of Ocat are 6"x9", heavy cream, smythe sewn, archival quality paper. The LIbrary Edition, in only 450 copies, is bound in Red cloth and has gold foil stamping while the Deluxe Edition is bound in Red Leather with a shallow embossing of a necromantic formula on the cover. The Deluxe Edition, limited to 200 copies, contains a silver place marker ribbon and each one was autographed by the author during a special consecration ceremony. The Funerary Templar Edition (SOLD OUT) is bound in full Black Goatskin by a noted artisan binder. There very design is based on a set of requirements laid down by the author after consulting with several Necromantic Funerary Priests. 

During this year 2014,Mrs Connolly will release another book "Sacrae Infernales",Thorugh Nephilim press.A work intended for the intrepid, this contemporary grimoire details workings with theGoetia Spirits and goes beyond the limitations often encountered while working in the traditional ways of the Lemegeton.  
Sacrae Infernales includes respectful and powerful ways to work Goetic theurgy for purposes of both low and high magick. With expansive and experimental techniques ranging from simple spell-craft to ceremonial magick, magicians will find Sacrae Infernales an intensely profound modern work on Goetic Sorcery that will appeal to anyone who seeks to immerse him/herself in Goetia and take their work beyond the seer rites and into the realm of theophany and result manifestation.

For more info :